by cy | Mar 20, 2020 | 3D & Extended Media
My art comments on events in my own experiences and relationships in life. I have created a variety of work addressing my relationships with family members and my love life. My work functions as a form of self-reflection, shining light on my relationships with people...
by cy | Mar 20, 2020 | 2D
Earth is peripherally located on the Local Arm of our Milky Way galaxy. A physical place beyond Earth is the Moon, a satellite of our planet. Through space and time and human interconnectedness with our planet as place has influenced the way we create our legacy with...
by cy | Mar 20, 2020 | Illustration+Design
Stories are like music in that they convey something about people. All my life, books, music, and art have lit a fire under my heart for beauty (and a good laugh). Even as my work spans physical reality—from the streets of Orvieto and Rome to the muggy earth of a...
by cy | Mar 20, 2020 | Illustration+Design
I am a rebellious maker. I am the kind of person who hates to follow set rules and concepts when I make art. As the result, I sometimes falter in my practice, but embrace failures as they allow me to improve my work. I center my work around my own voice as an...
by cy | Mar 20, 2020 | Art and Visual Culture Education
The unknown in the world consumes us—relentless thoughts circulate about the future, causing us to twirl into a physical realm of anxiety. My artwork explores such uncertainties and creates stories based on the true (but personified and also exaggerated) nature of...