by cy | Mar 20, 2020 | Illustration+Design
I create works that represent negative emotion such as fear or anger as a means to show vulnerability. My work prompts others to be vulnerable and express how they truly feel in the face of a society so contaminated by judgmental thought. People use shame to control...
by cy | Mar 20, 2020 | 2D
During my travels, I have noticed that, across cultures, the mental state of each society is ever changing. I am interested in capturing those mentalities in my art, regardless of if I share them or not. Currently, I am focusing on the mental state of the west coast...
by cy | Mar 20, 2020 | Photography | Video | Imaging
I have long had an interest in geology, astronomy, and the intricacies of where both fields overlap. This work is part of a series that studies meteorites as well as rare metals that are more present in meteorites than in the Earth’s crust. These rare metals include...
by cy | Mar 20, 2020 | Illustration+Design
I see my art as a direct reflection of my person. I use my weaknesses, my strengths, my experiences and my personal growth and its affects on my surroundings as inspiration. Hard times have taught me that I am stronger than I give myself credit for and at the same...
by cy | Mar 20, 2020 | Photography | Video | Imaging
“I was born in the wrong time,” has become so overused that its legitimacy has been diminished. I wasn’t born in the wrong time, instead I was raised in a different era. My father taught me to appreciate classic rock n’ roll so my music tastes until recent years were...