Gallery 5



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  1. What an incredible showing, I’m so honored to have my work displayed alongside such immense talent. To everyone in the exhibition, congratulations! I wish more than anything that we could’ve done this in person, but seeing all our pieces here together is amazing regardless. The time I’ve spent with you in the School of Art has been the most influential of my entire life. You have shaped my art and my ideas, and I will have that with me forever, wherever we all may go. Here’s to your continued artistic excellence and success, whatever that is to you.

    And I know it’s not up to me, but Savana Lynch’s “Self Portrait” has my vote for Best in Show.

  2. Am a bit annoyed now as my comments were all erased after I filled in the name and email address. I believe I said I was pleased with this format, that one can see the art in galleries, by discipline, or click on each image to see more detail. This definitely enhances the experience and allows leisurely examination.